
So, you've come to visit and you think you might be ready to take your next step?

Here are few things you may like to know to help you take the plunge:
  • Kawartha Music Company is part of the Sweet Adelines Organization worldwide, which sings four-part harmony in the barbershop style. 
  • As a new member, you'll be given a part (tenor, lead, baritone, bass) after you've been range tested to see how high or low your singing range is.
  • You'll be asked to sing an audition piece after you've been with us for a few weeks - usually one of our competition songs - but only once you are comfortable doing so!  You will be asked to sing your part with three others, each singing their part.  This is to see if you can hold your own part and find your notes with the other parts. 
  • Once you've passed your audition, you're in!  Then it's time to collect money!  KMC Chapter Dues are $100 CDN due upon acceptance and then yearly on the anniversary of your membership.  Sweet Adelines International Dues are $125 US/year.  Our treasurer will let you know when all due are required.
  • Once a year, the choruses in our region head down to St. Catharines for our regional contest.  We are asked to sing two songs, one ballad and one uptune.  It is a fun-filled weekend event held usually at the end of April or early in May.  More details on that later!
  • Throughout the year, KMC will do various community performances in places like the hospital, the Canada Day Multicultural event, Christmas singouts in Lakefield, or summer singouts at the Peterborough Zoo.  We've even sung "O Canada" to open a Peterborough Petes game!  You never know where we'll show up!  We love to share our craft with the community and bring smiles to people's faces wherever we go.  
  • You'll be joining a terrific group of ladies who love to be together, who laugh a lot, and who LOVE to sing.  Jump in with us!  We are your sisters in harmony!
Copyright © 2025 Kawartha Music Company